Monday, 7 April 2014

Review of Photo recovery software for Mac

For a common man like me, photos means sweet memories but for professionals, photos are more than just memories. For them, losing photos means losing opportunities, losing money and sometimes-even jobs.

I witnessed such an incident, which took place with my younger brother, a model. A few months ago when he was struggling for opportunities, he prepared his portfolio with a very famous photographer, which cost him $ 600.00. He was ready with all the required preparations, waiting for some opportunities.

Finally, the day came when he was called by a very famous advertising company and was asked to send his portfolio through mail. But, as you know, the thing, which only lacks in perfect chance is called the luck. So happened in my brother’s case also.

When he sat to mail his portfolio from his Macbook, he didn’t find the volume where he stored it. He searched all the volumes but, all in vain. Finally, he came to me because all of my relatives, except me, see me as a techie guy.

I discovered that the volume was lost and all the content of that volume were inaccessible to the user. Here are the possible reasons behind such unusual behavior of Mac volume.

  • Resizing hard drive partitions with built-in Disk Utility of Mac OS X
  • Improper change in file system of Mac partition either from FAT to HFS or vice-versa.
  • Conflicts among the hardware might cause partition crash resulting in loss of Mac partitions
  • Mac OS X malfunctioning can result in loss of volume and ultimately data loss situation.
  • Corrupted APM (Apple Partition Map) can make your partition inaccessible.

When I failed to get my data back , even after applying all my brilliance, I searched for some volume recovery software for Mac. I found Stellar Phoenix Mac data recovery which brought all the content back within no time. It is so impressive that I was pushed to review this Mac data recovery and share my experience with you.

It is, the official website of the product which offers download for trial version of Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery Software v6.0.
The welcome screen offers 1. Recover Data 2. Create Image and 3. Resume recovery
I clicked “Recover Data”  which again offered many options.

Since I was to get back my lost volume so went to “Search lost/deleted volume”. It started scanning the drive for lost volume and asked me to select one out of two to proceed further.

After selecting lost volume 2, I went for deleted recovery which started scanning for lost data in it. A list of all the recoverable data (which included the portfolio) was given with option to preview, before actually recovering the data.

Please note that it’s not a fee tool and costs $99.00 to register and get the complete version of this Mac Data recovery tool.

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